Swingin’ Shepherd Blues (05/21/2013)

Table  41

From Table 41 on May 21, 2013, here’s a classic from Canadian jazz flutist Moe Koffman, with lyrics added later by Kenny Jacobson and Rhoda Roberts (whoever they are) after it became an instrumental hit. Ella Fitzgerald and Natalie Cole are famous for singing the version with lyrics. It took two years until I finally had the time to find and learn the original instrumental version of my dad’s favorite jazz song; when I heard Ella’s and Natalie’s vocal renditions, I knew I had to sing the clever lyrics as well. This number has been an audience favorite at my gigs since I first started doing it in 2011, and will remain an important part of my repertoire. So without further ado, it’s Swingin’ Shepherd Blues! The keyboard sound I use is called “Film Noir,” with an acoustic bass sound given to the left half of the keyboard and a vibraphone/flute combination to the right half. For this song, I turn down the vibraphone part of the Film Noir sound, and this is the result! (Of all the flute sounds on my keyboard, the one used for the Film Noir sound is the most accurate!). Thank you, dad, for introducing me to this cool tune!